We Revolutionize Music Education

The Neuromusic Education Simulator Project NES

The Vienna Boys Choir and the MpF Foundation set out to revolutionize music education with the Neuromusic Education Simulator Project – NES.

AI Takes over Logic-based Tasks: Here Is Our Answer

Social skills
Emotional competence

As AI takes over logic-based tasks, education needs to focus on elements such as creativity, social skills and emotional competence as defined and analyzed in the wirth method.

Goals of the wirth method: Joyful Learning and Success

For Students
Constant attention leads to success and joyful learning experiences
Positive impact on other academic subjects

For Teachers
Continuous interaction
Maintain attention

Joyful and efficient teaching and learning are our goals. Constant attention leads to success and teachers confirm the positive impact on other academic subjects. Our focus in teacher training lies on continuous interaction with the students to maintain their attention.

AR-VR Applications based on Neuroscience
Longitudinal brain research

Gain experience
Recognize learning traits
Apply learning strategies

The wirth method teaching strategies are based on longitudinal brain research. AI helps teachers to gain experience quickly, to recognize their students’ individual learning traits and to react by applying appropriate learning strategies.

Why Does NES Matter?

Worldwide potential
Automatized feedback
Personalized tuition
Applicable in other academic subjects
Teacher-student relationship

With NES, we can roll out our know-how worldwide as it increases efficiency. It is certainly not meant to substitute teachers but designed to scale up training opportunities. Teachers receive automatized feedback and have access to personal tuition within a short time wherever they are. NES is also applicable for other academic subjects and last, but not least: Teachers’ shortcomings will not affect the class, teacher-student relationship or individual students.

NES builds on the wirth method: through scalable AI and immersive learning environments like AR-VR, it provides teachers with a tool to maximise the impact of their teaching.

The Steps toward NES Full Version with AR-VR

Step N° 1: MTLAS Dashboard

The Music Teaching & Learning Analytics Simulator (MTLAS) Dashboard
Portable version for schools within reach

Step N° 2: wmOTTS

The wirth methodTM offline Teacher Training Software
Available on USB stick

Mobile Applications

Pitch App
Rhythm App
Combined App

Available free of charge for the non-profit sector
Available subject to charge through official app stores for private sector

Our vision to realize NES is based on the 23 algorithm metrics of the wirth method, the teacher and student data of the MTLAS Mini-version, enhanced by neuro data in the MTLAS Midi-version. Finally, in the Maxi version, we will use AR-VR for the NES Simulator.

It is our goal to reach more teachers and children than ever through offering them instruction that develops their potential and brings them a lifetime of joy and self-confidence through active musicianship.